Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Thought that was over....

As stated in the title..... I really thought, "let get it over and done with".... I was finally summon by my superior and had no choice but to confront him.... I was damn scared to face him as there are a lot of things to be talked about. I was really not ready for any of it.... God, why does it have to happened now?

I know it was my own mistakes...
                        Annual leave~neglected...
                        Performance ~neglected too...
                        Team motivation~ neglected.....(I think)
                        Self motivation~ neglected as well.....

I respect to people I look upon and cherish every single knowledge and wisdom shared... but honestly speaking.... I don't even know what the hell am I doing.... no directions, no motivations, too much changes.... so much so it is hard to keep up..... I don't know for sure if I can say whether this job is not for me anymore.

"Spoiling them too much", they said.... "u are to close and cannot differenciate between ur job and ur status".....Lantak pi...!!! Whatever that they wanna say... go ahead... eventhough it is true from a person at my position.... I don't know any rules and boundries anymore...I just don't care....I just don't anymore... Sorry guys, but this person that u all know will not be making any sense for the time being...Lalala..~!!! (^.^")


  1. "Spoiling them too much", they said.... "u are to close and cannot differenciate between ur job and ur status"...-bullshit, coz money blinded them (plastic). 2ndly, we r human not robot..we cant repeat same word for shitty cust or shitty people's around us.

  2. Keje tempat macam ni(since they are the sole provider for *Hmm u know what*.....) banyak pengaruhnya... U work anywhere pun u will find & try to refine the work ethics is not all good...
    It's how they run it the job...

    Since we are the minority voices in big industry, we have no say due to our status in the co. Frustrating as it is, I have to go through it in order to survive... No risk worth taking if you don't know how to play the damn game!!!!
